web site is not accessible from internet


May 22, 2007
Programming Experience
hi, im new to vs.net...i've created a web site and test it on localhost n it works!
but when i try to access it from internet,it unable to display the page. "Internet Explorer cannot display the page" error is shown. may i know how can i make the web site available from/for internet. basically, its a url link from another webapp. both these web sites r located in different TCP port. i could view the page only at server but not as client. pls explain how could i solve this probs.
First of all, the server must be up and running which it seems to be in this case.

Second, for the server to be accessible from the LAN, port 80 or which ever port you set for the site must be opened for traffic.

Third, for the server to be accessible from the internet, it must sastisfied all these rules and you must route web traffic to the server.

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