Web service disconnecting after 5 minutes?


Feb 7, 2007
Fortuna, CA
Programming Experience
We have developed a web service under VB.NET (1.1) which is used for several purposes, some of which may take up to 10 minutes to complete. The service is actually a wrapper for another class that does all of the work and returns the values that are to be retuned by the service. The service works as its supposed to, creating files, updating databases, and returning values (as far as it knows).

We use a windows application (also built by us with VB.NET (1.1)) which connects to this web service and makes the calls to the web service procedures. However, we have noticed that the more complicated procedures (those that take longer than 5 minutes) are not receiving the returned value.

One example is the CatalogRequest procedure in this web service. We receive hundreds of catalog requests daily and this procedure is incharge of creating a file that can be downloaded and imported into our order processing system. This process can take up to 10 minutes, depending on the number of requests sitting on the web database. The windows application connects to the web service, makes the call to this procedure and on the server I can see the progress, but if the process takes longer than 5 minutes, the web service call finishes properly, closes the file and returns the number of request in the file. This value should then (in theory) be received by the windows application which notifies the client using the application the number of catalogs ready to download and this same application then begins an FTP engine to begin the download of the file so it can be processed into our ordering system. However, the value is never received if the process takes longer than 5 minutes. If it's less than 5 minutes, the process works as designed. Anyone has any ideas?

We have set the Server.ScriptTimeout to something like 20 minutes. This web service also sits behind a Secured Layer (SSL).
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