Web/ASP based question


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2007
Programming Experience
I don't know if this is particularly the right form, and I believe it may indeed involve the use of some tricky programmatic web stuff, but i am looking for something personal I have been working on and I want universal access to it.

I've had my own domain name for more than a decade, and I am always finding myself uploading a file and then downloading it, editing it, and then uploading it again. Granted it may require IE for me to do this but is it possible to "embed" an Excel file right into the web page? Similar to how PDF files are opened in the web page and Adobe is not started as a separate application window, it just opens up in Mozilla or IE. I'm wanting to do something similar with an xls file. the file/location will be secure on my site and only I will be going to it, I just wanted the ability to have the file on my domain, go to it to edit and save information, and then close it out and go about my day, without having to download/edit/upload all the time.

Is this even possible?