VS2008 - Is it ok to install it over the top of my VS2005 install?

Yes, it will not install "on top" but side-by-side.
There's a big chance that would ruin both installations. hehehe :) Try installing it in the same folder as Windows and see if your machine will restart afterwards ;)
John, im running it over the top and no probs converting my old projects or building another source.
Im going to remove 2005 though, just incase... :eek:
All Visual Studio versions run just fine side-by-side, they are designed to do that. So does all .Net Framework versions. No reason to worry.

They also, as you have discovered, can upgrade projects created by earlier versions. Except from VB6 which is quite different, there is usually not much problem upgrading projects.
I was just hoping to save all of that HDD space by installing over the top of my 2005 install. Plus I have some settings and addons that I was hoping 2008 would inherit. :)

These VS install do take A LOT of space.
I think you have to install the addons (if they are compatible with the new Studio) and set the settings again.