VS2008 backwards compatible?


New member
Feb 20, 2008
Programming Experience
Hi there,

I know that VS2008 is backwards compatible but would I be able to open projects created or worked on in VS2008 with VS2005?

I am studying at uni at the mo and I would very much like to be able to use VS2008 but I'm worried I won't be able to work on my projects at uni where they use VS2005.

VS2008 solution/project files is not compatible with VS2005. The back compatibility modes only targets deployment scenarios.
Not entirely: the VS 2008 solution files are not compatible with VS 2005, the VS 2008 project files are, but if there's any code or namespaces used that aren't in VS 2005 the VS 2005 IDE will display errors.
Not what I got, the 2008 proj wouldn't open in my 2005.

Really? On vbforums.com I downloaded a VS 2008 source code attachment and when I opened the solution file (.sln) VS 2005 gave me an error, I then deleted the solution file and opened the vb project file (.vbproj) which opened just fine in VS 2005, the IDE gave me a compile error and highlighted a call to "Imports System.Linq" all I did was commented out the line then clicked 'Run' and it compiled and ran the program just fine.

2 weeks after that I installed the VS 2008 Express and can open VS 2008 solutions in that until our department buys the 2008 licenses.