VS2005 - No Website Project template?


Mar 12, 2008
Programming Experience
I have brought a second programmer onto my website development team - both work remotely.

The first programmer has been working on the project in VS2005 for nearly 2 years and has passed a copy of the source code to the second programmer and advised that it will only Build properly (ie without errors) if put together as a website project as opposed to a web application.

The second programmer is also using VS2005 and has reported that Visual Studio doesn't give him the option of a website project template only web application or website deployment project. So he is using the website deployment option but reports that VS2005 does not allow him to Publish this type of project only build it.

Why would VS2005 not offer the option of a website project and why is the option to Build/Publish missing for the second programmer?

I would really appreciate some advice here - it is so frustrating.

Thanks in anticipation.

First up, why would this second developer need to create a new project at all if the first developer has given them the source code? They should just be opening the existing SLN file to open the entire solution.

Secondly, web sites are not classified as projects by VS for the purposes of creating a new one. If you have your IDE settings set a Web Developer then, on the Start Page, you have four links:

Open: Project... | Web Site...
Create: Project... | Web Site...

or something like that. If you are using any other settings then the "Web Site" option is not on the Start Page and you have to select File -> New -> Web Site from the main menu or else hit Shift+Alt+N to create a new Web Site.