VS .net 2003 versions


Feb 8, 2008
Programming Experience
project folders

I'm new to this forum and to visual studio .net 2003.

Is there a way to create a new folder in one of your projects.

From my start page a choose a project. I open the solution explorer.
At the top of the solution property window is Solutions 'projectnamehere'.
Below that is 2 sheet icons and 'Projectnamehere'.
Below that is Folder icon and 'Shared Data Sources'.
Below that is Folder icon and 'Reports'
below that are my reports.

I want to create a new folder so I can organize my reports and insert that new folder in 'Reports' folder.

Any thoughts.
Card Gunner
In the solution explorer, right click the 'Reports' folder and click on Add-->New Folder.
This is from memory and I haven't used 2003 in a looooong while (it's 2008 now) so my wording may be incorrect but the option is there somewhere to add a new folder.
Yeah I tried that.

Right click 'Reports' or Shared Data Sources' and the Add is add new item or add existing item.

No add new folder
It's there in my VB 2003, using context menu on both the project node and existing folder nodes give option to "Add > New Folder". The same option is also available in Project main menu when a project node or an existing folder is selected in Solution Explorer.
It's not there for me.

I attached some screenshots.


  • Screenshot Add folder.JPG
    Screenshot Add folder.JPG
    96.5 KB · Views: 34
  • Screenshot Add folder Shared Data folder.JPG
    Screenshot Add folder Shared Data folder.JPG
    95.5 KB · Views: 34
Also forom the main menu.

I'm feeling real stupid. Is it right in front of me?


  • Screenshot main Menu project.JPG
    Screenshot main Menu project.JPG
    97.2 KB · Views: 60
It must be a limitation of the project type, what project type is it by the way? It is not familiar to me. You have this project type icon: projecttype.JPG A VB windows application has this icon in VS2003: projecttype.png
I see your other options with this project is also very limited.
Have you tried navigating to the folder with Windows Explorer and create subfolder there, does it show up in VS for this project? Or possibly by doing that and "Add existing".... No, I just tried that with the VB project and it didn't.
I'm home now so I can't look up what project type it is, however I don't know what you mean by project type???

I'm new to all of this.

Does the rest of the screenshot look right?

I have never seen this program other then on my computer. Maybe it's not updated?? Maybe a lesser version?? Is there a client version??

I'm feeling a little inadequate right now:(
I'm back to work now. What am I looking for as for when I need to find the project type?

Is there a lesser version of VS .net 2003? Client vs Admin?

I tried the change type drop down from the header but there is nothing there.

What should be there?


  • Change Type Toolbar.JPG
    Change Type Toolbar.JPG
    1.8 KB · Views: 58
Threads Merged

There is only one version .Net 2003, it's the 1.1 Framework.

There are multiple versions of the IDE though, which I have never seen a Client/Admin approach to this.

There are:
Enterprise Architect

The problem you're facing is the type of solution of your project. You'll need to change the project type to get what you need.
I will search these forums and the help menus to find out how to switch the project type.

In case I can't find how to do it can you explain?

Do you get the same options when you create a new project?

Attached screenshots show how Create New project window looks like in VS2003 and also the Add New Folder menu option.....Do check the VB Project icon in Solution Explorer...

What version/flavor or VS2003 are you using?... Open your project on a different machine or try a re-install.


  • AddNewFolder.JPG
    102.9 KB · Views: 33
  • CreateNewProject.JPG
    100.3 KB · Views: 36