VS 2008 Standard...No Setup & Deployment???????


Well-known member
May 14, 2009
Programming Experience
Am I crazy or is there no Setup and deployment for the standard edition?

I have already ran the install template command with no luck so I have to wonder if it is included. It should be listed under Other project types, but it is empty.

I cannot use the application I build because I am using the MS Power tools shape control and I cannot find anyway to add it when I build my application and looking up info on the Power Tools there is a check box that you select in the setup and deployment which I don't have.

Any help would be appreciated.

Not publish

I'm not deploying a web app. This is a Windows form app and I do not have a sever to publish it to. There should be a setup template at least I think....

ClickOnce publish is also for file based deployment, all versions include this. Only VS Pro version has MSI setup project deployment.

Thread moved to Deployment forum, please post in most appropriate forum.

I may be able to squeak by with that. I did not know you could specify a file directory.

The biggest issue is that I cannot add files to the setup but I'll give it a go.


You can add files to setup by adding them to project and specify build action.
Would that

Would that apply to folders as well? I have some directories in the app to store created files or do I have to create them manually?

Yes, you can have folder structure in project, select "New folder" in menu/context menu. For output files same folder tree is used from application folder when deployed, this also applies to regular build outputs (to Bin folder by default).
Works....for the most part.

Publish works for the most part. The only thing I don't like is that I cannot set the directory for the installation on the end PC, but everything else is good and with JohnH's help I figured out how to add files and folders.

You maybe able to set the installation directory, but I haven't found out how yet. I have installed in on a test PC and found that the user is not given a choice and it also does not present a message that it has completed.

You maybe able to set the installation directory, but I haven't found out how yet. I have installed in on a test PC and found that the user is not given a choice
This is not possible with ClickOnce applications.
and it also does not present a message that it has completed.
The app starts automatically after it is installed.

For the most part this is OK but it installs folder structure and files under the logged in users account which I could see being a possible problem for other restricted users on a system not being able to access the folders or files.

The program does start after install, but I can see a few examples of when I would not want it to start automatically specifically if I want to do a silent remote install.

I still cannot believe that there is not actual setup and deployment in this version seems like such a petty little thing to cut out.

but it installs folder structure and files under the logged in users account which I could see being a possible problem for other restricted users on a system not being able to access the folders or files.
The main idea about ClickOnce is isolation, if you have users that not even have access to their isolated storage you can deploy the app to some place central and let they run the app off there, for 'install mode' you would then choose the 'available online only' option.