vs 2008 converter


New member
Nov 15, 2008
Programming Experience
well, could not open the sln, as uninstalled 2008, and installed 2005, and
all my projects are 2008 versions, and would not open.
know that from first hand, when i tried to open one of them.
so does any one know of a converter for this?
cheers Marvin.
Why exactly did you uninstall 2008? You know you can target version 2.0 of the Framework in 2008, right?

Hi. well, my lecturer at my college is using vb 2005 express and professional and that is what he wants. so going through and having to rebuild all the projects through my book, and then saving the form files as text, then using the code to rebuild the interface with controls. if there is a tool, let me know. cheers Marvin.
That's fair enough then, although you could still leave both versions installed as they will happily coexist.

As for the question, there is a utility that will do it but I can't recall what it's called or where to get it. I'll see if I can track it down.

That said, the changes needed are generally just an edit of the SLN and VBPROJ files, which are both plain text. If you knew what you were doing you could do it by hand. If you were to create a project in each version and then compare the files in Notepad you could probably work out what to change fairly easily. That's all this utility will do for you. Someone would have created it by doing just what I suggested.
I think this is it:

Visual Studio 2005/2008 Interoperability

I've never used it myself so I can't make any more comments, other than to say that it took me about 30 seconds to find it using Google. I searched for convert 2005 project 2008 .net, which seems like the obvious choice.