VS 2005 express MS SQL express


New member
May 14, 2008
Programming Experience

Im a newbie to VS and have downloaded VS express & MS SQL express and am planning to upgrade to VS Pro.

I have being trying to build a stand alone application in visual basic that implements an SQL database to record some transactions that will ultimately be passed to a web application.

I have the basic application working using the express versions but I am a little worried about deployment.

For reporting purposes I think I need to upgrade to VS professional, however, I was wondering if someone could tell me if I need to upgrade to MS SQL (full version) as well.

As this is intended to be a stand alone application. I need to create a CD/DVD that will install all items required for the application. Therefore the database and asp.net needs to be included on the CD. I have created a CD/DVD that will install asp.net. If I have VS Pro will this automatically install the database on the clients pc?

Any Help Greatefully Received
