Visual Web 2008 and Access DBs


New member
Jun 10, 2010
Programming Experience
Hi everyone,

I'm very new to web development; I have a small project from work, I need to keep track of some of our assets. I decided to use Visual Web Developer 2008 Express, mainly because this application must be web based.

The back-end DB is an Access 2007 DB. I was able to extract and present the data from the DB on to the browser; I'm also able to edit and delete all the data within thing Access DB.

I need to add data to this DB, but I have to do it in a 'manual' way; that is, I have to create a new web page and allow my users to fill-in fields with data and then use this data to send it to the Access DB. (I have a "Save Asset" button that would execute the code to add data to the DB).

I've found a couple VB code samples, but I can't figure out how to convert these to web code.

I'd appreciate some ideas on how to accomplish this.
The question doesnt seem to be so much a database one as a webpage construction one.. If youre OK with presenting data to the user for them to edit it and commit it to the DB, inserting new data is largely the same operation. Try asking your question over in the ASP.NET forums, and don't forget to post some code (using