Question Visual studio setup project (installer). Problems installing on windows 7 64 bits.


New member
Aug 26, 2010
Programming Experience

I've created a installer from visual studio 2008. It installs perfectly in windows xp 32b, windows 7 32b. However, if I install it in a windows 7 64 bits, it give me the next problem.

In File System(Installer) I put some binaries in Application Folder and others in System Folder(windows\system32). Well, when I execute the installer, it copies the files from Application Folder correctly. However, the files contained in System folder aren't copied.

Why? Have I have to build the installer as targetplataform x64? The application is compiled as 32bits.

Thank you very much.
yes you will have to change your solution platform to 64 bit

Build -> configuration manager
you will see a dropdown for active solution platform with 'Any CPU' selected change it to x86 and build again .. now the setup should work only for 64 bit processors

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