Visual Studio 2008 Generating Custom Code For A Windows Form From User Input


New member
Mar 30, 2009
Programming Experience
Hello, I am trying to figure out how to generate code from user input. In Visual Studio 2008, Visual Basic
I am new to this so I will try to explain the best I can. Thank you.
My script always begins with:

function Init(Quest)

Then from here a user would input a quest name, type and zone in a interface using windows forms.

RegisterQuest(Quest, "Kill Zombies", "Heritage", "Firestorm")
This part a user would enter in his interface what would an NPC say if accepted.

function Accepted(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
      if QuestGiver ~= nil then
            if GetDistance(Player, QuestGiver) < 30 then
                  FaceTarget(QuestGiver, Player)
                  Say(QuestGiver, "Thank you for accepting this task " .. GetName(Player) .. ".  Please return to me when you have completed it.")
                  Emote(QuestGiver, " thanks you warmly.", Player)
If the quest is denied

function Declined(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
      if QuestGiver ~= nil then
            if GetDistance(Player, QuestGiver) < 30 then
                  FaceTarget(QuestGiver, Player)
                  Say(QuestGiver, "If you change your mind " .. GetName(Player) .. ", you know where to find me.")
                  Emote(QuestGiver, " glares at you.", Player)
Last if the quest is completed

function KilledAllCrabs(Quest, QuestGiver, Player)
      UpdateQuestStepDescription(Quest, 1, "I killed the zombies as Daniel requested.")
      UpdateQuestDescription(Quest, "I killed some of the zombies in the tomb.  Return to Daniel for your reward.")
What I need is a few text boxs that a user can input "Kill Zombies" or whatever they like and when they push a generate button it will create a file with a .quest extension.
All of the code remains the same except for the quotes that would be the user input from the interface.

Basically everything in quotes can be changed by the user in an interface.
I have created my own functions for when a user accepts, denys and completes a quest.
The user just needs to input what should happen then click a generate button to throw it all together as a .quest file to be saved in his or her quest folder for the server to call on later.

I also have many other functions like:
AddQuestRewardFaction --- (Quest, Faction ID, Amount)
AddQuestRewardCoin --- (Quest, Copper, Silver, Gold, Plat)
AddQuestStepObtainItem --- (Quest, Step ID, Description, Quantity, Percentage, TaskGroupText, Item ID(s))
I would also like to have these available on the UI but wont generate unless a user checks a box to add them or there is a box already for them but wont step into the code unless the user enters something into the box.

Is there anyone that can explain how I would go about doing this. Or maybe some kind of visual studio plugin that will help me out.

Thank you again for taking the time to read. I hope I explained my situation well enough.
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It sounds along the lines of what I need. I can probability use serialization to hold the script main text. Like a template. Then I need to find a way to call the template up in my program so users can edit only quoted text in my template. Then generate it.
Thank you.