Visual Basic Powerpack 1.1 .Net 3.5


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Programming Experience
I'm having a typical Microsoft find Waldo adventure and I am hoping some can help me because I seem to spending more time researching how to use Microsoft's wonder tools then developing with them. :mad:

I am building an app that I am using the line and shape controls from the Visual Basic Powerpack 1.1 library (VS 2008 .Net 3.5) . When I install using ClickOnce my app installs and then simply crashes, no error message helping me figure out the issue...just a crash. Does in on XP and Vista and every PC I have tried to install it on (except the development PC). What I have figured out is if I remove the Powerpack controls it installs fine. I have include it as a prerequisties, its referenced in my reference table, I have made Copy Local both TRUE and FALSE, and in the Applications Files section I have made that ever available setting. How do you install this thing??? :confused:

I have spents hours searching the web for someone who has had this issue and have found a few "clues" but no solution...I joined this site hoping that someone may have experienced the same issue.
