Question Vista Redirection Connection String As NON-ADMIN


New member
Sep 21, 2008
Programming Experience
My companies primary product uses MDBs to store test as well as user data. With the release of Vista we redesigned our application using the UAC guidelines provided by Microsoft, writing all data to %ALLAPPDATA% instead of program files.
Everything works fine with one major exception, even a hard coded Connection String is redirecting the MDB to [user]\appdata\VirtualStore ... when logged in as a Non_Admin. So basically an admins MDB will be %ALLAPPDATA% in the created folder and Non-Admins [user]\appdata\VirtualStore. This is a big deal for us as most of the software is used in a classroom enviorment when students cannot have ADMIN priveledges. I have read in a forum that OLEDB is always redirected as a NON-ADMIN, I pray this isn't true. I have even created a manifest file with the asInvoker flag with the same results. Everything works fine but the DB in the connection string is always redirected to [user]\appdata\VirtualStore. . .

Our new release deadline is Next week. I have been a .NET developer for years and am frankly out of ideas.

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