Virtual Folder/Drive Help..


New member
Mar 29, 2011
Programming Experience
I am new to this forum, as well as to the world of programming.

Currently am doing a project which required some secure storage drive or a virtual drive, which can only be access by the Vb.Net App.

Any guidance or help would do a lot :)

More information regarding the project:
1.Simple and secure file storing application for windows only. - Development in progress(Layout and other minimal functionalists are developed)
2.The files can only be access by the application. - Development and research in progress
3.Software Licensing. - DONE Using (mac address,Application versus ,MD5 encrypted serial key generating system)

Thanks in advance.
So the idea is you wish to save, edit, and manipulate what type of files? Is this just to be done using simple IO? .NET has plenty of IO functions and libraries for stuff like that, just when you do this stuff across a network .NET has a lot of little security things that cause problems, I say this because I am still working on solving one involving excel when saving to a network location, when running off of a citrix application server.
Well...iam mostly dealing with multimedia files...
currently am using a method which just block the media files in the same directory and retrieving it by extracting from a compressed gzip file...which is obviously password proected.But the problem is the file is still not secure bcoz its still readable from the user end without using the Application.

I think all are confused right now? :(

This is the maximum i can explain the project sorry i cant give more information bcoz of the application security bleach ;(