View Designer Problem


New member
Apr 8, 2008
Programming Experience
Im not sure why but the menu I created is out of the screen. Probably past the left top corner.
So I made new menu, clicked that, and selected that 'Old Invisible menu' from the properties panel, then part of it appeared in the top left corner.
Then I tried right clicking it so I can delete this old menu that is out of the screen, then this error came up.

"The control System.Windows.Forms.Form has thrown an unhandled exception in the designer and has been disabled.

Object Reference not set to an instance of an object.

Stack trace:"

-->> I just found out I can Delete PART of the menu from the Edit menu at the top, instead of right clicking.
But I can only do it for the visible ones. so I cant delete the main menu at the top, that is out of the screen.

What can be done?