VBA Question


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2006
Programming Experience
Sorry if I have posted this in the wrong section, I know this is a vb.net forum but I was hoping someone could help me out a lil here in VBA in word. In word i have created a userform using macros, i used vba. What i want to be able to do is, when i open up this word file, i want the userform to pop up straight away without me selecting tool, macros, run macros or using alt & F8, if anyone could help id be greatful.

You are quite right this is a vb.net forum and i would ask that you direct your questions to a more appropriate forum. Having said that i think that if you name your macro 'autoexec' it will run on the startup. My VBA is pretty rusty but you could give it a try.
lol no it isnt dead, anyway thanx for your help and the problem has been resolved, under the document open function i entered userform1.show.

1 final question (which i need help on and vb.net people could help) is that i have 4 check boxes and 1 radio button. There is no limit to how many check boxes can be ticked, but the moment the radio button is selected, a message box appears telling the user either check boxes OR the radio button can be selected. After the message box all the check boxes and the radio button are cleared. I know little coding but if someone could help i would appreciate it.

As i have said these forums are for VB.Net. I'm sure there are VBA forums n the web, so can i ask you to take this query to one of those forums. Thanks.
why not just use all checkbox's and if the user selects the one you can code it so the other checkbox's are unchecked then if one of the top checkbox's becomes checked, uncheck the bottom one

it'd like a checkbox war, all the ones on the top vs the single one at the bottom

also this is a vb.net forum so asking about vba really wont do you much good because all code examples will be for .net of which vba is far from .net