
New member
Jan 19, 2007
Programming Experience
Hi there,

I received trianing in VB5 and VB6 ('98 and '99), I have now got my hands on VB.NET and I'm having the most splendid time.

I'm familiar with the old way of using the data control. It was easy (well, to me anyway).

Now it doesn't exist. Do I really need a SQL server to handle my databse stuff? That would really suck. I'm writing a program that needs to have acess to a small data set (on people's own PCs). More than likely less than 256 rows - Most will probably only use 10 or so.

I don't want to have to go and pay someone to set up a SQL server for me online - or even worse, ask people to set up their own on their PCs at home. If I did that, then people wouldn't use my program.

I need a way around this. Please remember that I haven't used VB for about 5 or so years - so please go easy on me.

((Oh and moderators: If this post belongs in another section, please move it for me - I apologize in advance.))

You don't need a SQL server to handle your database needs, you can still use other databases e.g. Access
With such small data storage requirement you might want to skip database and go for Xml or other regular file storage.