[VB2005] Cover desktop


New member
Jan 24, 2008
Programming Experience
Hello, my first time here.
Was looking for a good forum about .net, that is how I came here.

Let me start with a question...
How can I make my application cover the whole desktop?
(So everything including the taskbar)

I have 2 screens, if the question above is possible, is it also possible to cover BOTH screens?

Thank you.
FormBorderStyle=None and WindowState=Maximized. That is also called 'fullscreen' or 'kiosk' mode.
To cover both screens you need one window (form) in each screen.
But the taskbar will be still visible... Doesn't it?
Let me say what the meaning of the project is...
Just a lockdown application.
Both monitors will be blank, with only a password field on it to insert the password to unlock the pc.
But the taskbar will be still visible... Doesn't it?
No. Not unless you press the windows key.
Let me say what the meaning of the project is...
Just a lockdown application.
Both monitors will be blank, with only a password field on it to insert the password to unlock the pc.
Locking up the OS with its core functionality like the windows key and alt-tab and ctrl-alt-delete is probably possible, you should look this up in the Windows SDK.
Oke, I have tested it, and indeed, you were absolutely right.
It takes full screen.
Part 1 is done.
Now, I have a second Form in my Solution Explorer, with the same information, I think I have to make the second form show within the load function of the first form.
But how can I put the second form to the right screen?

Nevermind, solution found:

secondary.Visible = True
secondary.Left = 1280
secondary.Top = 0

(I have a resoluton of 1280x1024)


Nevermind, that solutions doesn't work when secondary form has a Maximized WindowState...
(I tested it on normal WindowState... Any tips?)
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There is also a Screen class where you can get information about all connected screens.
I already got both screens blank:

secondary.Visible = True
secondary.Left = 1280
secondary.FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None
secondary.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized

I first set the secondary form to the second screen, after that making it full screen.

Now I have to prevent other users to shutdown my application by the windows keys you mentioned before.
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