vb.net functions in crystal report


New member
Apr 20, 2007
Programming Experience
First i giving u all advanced thanks for replays

I want to use functions written in vb.net to be used in crystal reports field.i am new to crystal reports.please any body help me.........:)
Please be more specific on the type of function you would like to use. Are you talking about record selection or something like that. Crystal reports has 'FORMULAS' that will provide you with some of the functionality you might be looking for.
Your design thought process should be more like;
1 - Use the vb.net functions to manipulate the datasets or data tables
2 - Pass the datasets to the report.

I'll check back for your updated question.
Header Creation

Thanks for your replay:)

The thing is i have a table called "My company Informations" and lot of other tables. but this "my company information" is not related with any other table. i want to make a sub report which contains information from this "my company information" table....and this report should be used to all other reports....thats why i am asking for a funtion which will populate the fields in the sub report.....hope that u got what i am thinking....any other solutions is also welcome........
Create your report, and save it. You can Add it to the main report by right clicking the report and select Insert -> SubReport. Then choose the report you just created. You can add it to any/all reports if you want.

You can set the datasource of a subreport like this.

Dim MainReport As New YourMainReportName

of course it may be slightly different for .NET 2.0

Hope that helps...