Question VB Macro Code not working


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Programming Experience

We are trying to create a web-based project which can generate the a report from a database.

Now that we already have the excel macro written in VB module which generates the code. When we try to implement in web-based the same VB code is not working in! Is there anyway we can use the same code or should we add any component to to accept the existing VB module code.

Find my Vb module code wriiten in excel macro

Option Explicit
Dim oCon, oRS
Dim ConnStr As String
Dim StartDate As String, EndDate As String

Private Function Authenticate() As String
On Error GoTo Ent
Set oRS = oCon.Execute("SELECT profile FROM ams_employee WHERE e_code='" & UserName.Text & "' and password ='" & Password.Text & "'")
If oRS.EOF Then Authenticate = "User ID or Password error!": Exit Function
Set oRS = oCon.Execute("SELECT * FROM ams_profile WHERE profile='" & oRS(0) & "' AND profile_rights='HRS'")
If Not oRS.EOF Then Authenticate = "OK" Else Authenticate = "This user profile doesn't have sufficient rights to run this report." & vbCrLf & "Please contact administrator to request any changes."
Exit Function
MsgBox "Authentication failed due to the following error:" & vbCrLf & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error"
End Function

Private Sub Cancel_Click()
Unload Login
End Sub

Private Sub cmdGReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Ent
Dim iIndex As Integer
Dim iField As Integer
Dim iDayCnt As Integer
Dim iDay As Integer
Dim iLT As Integer
Dim sQ As String
Dim oRSL
Dim sLT(3): sLT(1) = "F": sLT(2) = "C": sLT(3) = "P"

Set oCon = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set oRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Dim oRSDet: Set oRSDet = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
oCon.Open ConnStr

Dim AuthStat As String: AuthStat = Authenticate
If AuthStat = "OK" Then
Report.Unprotect "ams007"
Report.Cells.Font.Size = 8

With Selection
.Value = "eFunds International India Pvt.Ltd"
.Font.ColorIndex = 32
.Font.Bold = True
.Font.Size = 12
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With

With Selection
.Value = "Report Generated by Attendance Management System on " & Now
.Font.ColorIndex = 26
.Font.Bold = True
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With

With Selection
.Value = "Payroll Input for the Period " & StartDate & " - " & EndDate
.Font.ColorIndex = 53
.Font.Bold = True
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With

Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = 2

iIndex = 8

With Selection
.Font.ColorIndex = 25
.Interior.ColorIndex = 24
.Font.Bold = True
.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
End With
Report.Cells(iIndex, 1) = "E Code": Report.Columns(1).ColumnWidth = 10
Report.Cells(iIndex, 2) = "Name": Report.Columns(2).ColumnWidth = 30
Report.Cells(iIndex, 3) = "From Date": Report.Columns(3).ColumnWidth = 15
Report.Cells(iIndex, 4) = "To Date": Report.Columns(4).ColumnWidth = 15
Report.Cells(iIndex, 5) = "# Days": Report.Columns(5).ColumnWidth = 8
Report.Cells(iIndex, 6) = "Type": Report.Columns(6).ColumnWidth = 25
iIndex = iIndex + 1

' sQ = "SELECT e_code, a.leave_id, b.leave_type FROM ams_leave_reason a, ams_leave_trans b WHERE a.leave_id=b.leave_id AND b.leave_date>='" & DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date), 1) & "' AND b.leave_date<='" & DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date) + 1, 0) & "'"
sQ = "SELECT e_code, e_name FROM ams_employee"
Set oRS = oCon.Execute(sQ)

Dim NoOfDays As Double
Dim LeaveType As String
While Not oRS.EOF
sQ = "SELECT leave_id FROM ams_leave_reason WHERE e_code='" & oRS(0) & "' AND leave_status='A' AND start_date>='" & StartDate & "' AND start_date<='" & EndDate & "'"
Set oRSL = oCon.Execute(sQ)
While Not oRSL.EOF
sQ = "SELECT leave_type FROM ams_leave_trans WHERE leave_id='" & oRSL(0) & "'"
Set oRSDet = oCon.Execute(sQ)
Select Case Right(oRSDet(0), 1)
Case "C", "P", "F"
LeaveType = "General"
Case "L"
LeaveType = "LOP"
Case "A"
LeaveType = "Card not shown"
Case "O"
LeaveType = "On Duty"
Case "X"
GoTo SkipThisID
Case Else
LeaveType = "Leave: " & oRSDet(0)
End Select

If LeaveType = "General" Then
sQ = "SELECT Count(*) FROM ams_leave_trans WHERE leave_id='" & oRSL(0) & "' AND leave_part IN ('F','A')"
Set oRSDet = oCon.Execute(sQ)
NoOfDays = oRSDet(0) / 2
sQ = "SELECT Count(*) FROM ams_leave_trans WHERE leave_id='" & oRSL(0) & "' AND leave_part='D'"
Set oRSDet = oCon.Execute(sQ)
NoOfDays = NoOfDays + oRSDet(0)

sQ = "SELECT min(leave_date), max(leave_date) FROM ams_leave_trans WHERE leave_id='" & oRSL(0) & "'"
Set oRSDet = oCon.Execute(sQ)
Report.Cells(iIndex, 1) = oRS(0)
Report.Cells(iIndex, 2) = oRS(1)
Report.Cells(iIndex, 3) = FormatDateTime(oRSDet(0), vbShortDate)
Report.Cells(iIndex, 4) = FormatDateTime(oRSDet(1), vbShortDate)
Report.Cells(iIndex, 5) = NoOfDays
Report.Cells(iIndex, 6) = LeaveType
iIndex = iIndex + 1

For iLT = 1 To 3
If iLT = 1 Then
LeaveType = "Comp Off"
ElseIf iLT = 2 Then
LeaveType = "CL"
ElseIf iLT = 3 Then
LeaveType = "PL"
End If

sQ = "SELECT Count(*) FROM ams_leave_trans WHERE leave_id='" & oRSL(0) & "' AND leave_part IN ('F','A') AND leave_type LIKE '_" & sLT(iLT) & "'"
Set oRSDet = oCon.Execute(sQ)
NoOfDays = oRSDet(0) / 2
sQ = "SELECT Count(*) FROM ams_leave_trans WHERE leave_id='" & oRSL(0) & "' AND leave_part='D' AND leave_type LIKE '_" & sLT(iLT) & "'"
Set oRSDet = oCon.Execute(sQ)
NoOfDays = NoOfDays + oRSDet(0)
sQ = "SELECT min(leave_date), max(leave_date) FROM ams_leave_trans WHERE leave_id='" & oRSL(0) & "' AND leave_type LIKE '_" & sLT(iLT) & "'"
Set oRSDet = oCon.Execute(sQ)
If oRSDet(0) <> "" And oRSDet(1) <> "" Then
Report.Range(Report.Cells(iIndex, 1), Report.Cells(iIndex, 6)).Select
With Selection
.Interior.ColorIndex = 15
End With
Report.Cells(iIndex, 1) = oRS(0)
Report.Cells(iIndex, 2) = oRS(1)
Report.Cells(iIndex, 3) = FormatDateTime(oRSDet(0), vbShortDate)
Report.Cells(iIndex, 4) = FormatDateTime(oRSDet(1), vbShortDate)
Report.Cells(iIndex, 5) = NoOfDays
Report.Cells(iIndex, 6) = LeaveType
iIndex = iIndex + 1
End If
sQ = "SELECT Count(*) FROM ams_leave_trans WHERE leave_id='" & oRSL(0) & "' AND leave_part IN ('F','A')"
Set oRSDet = oCon.Execute(sQ)
NoOfDays = oRSDet(0) / 2
sQ = "SELECT Count(*) FROM ams_leave_trans WHERE leave_id='" & oRSL(0) & "' AND leave_part='D'"
Set oRSDet = oCon.Execute(sQ)
NoOfDays = NoOfDays + oRSDet(0)

sQ = "SELECT min(leave_date), max(leave_date) FROM ams_leave_trans WHERE leave_id='" & oRSL(0) & "'"
Set oRSDet = oCon.Execute(sQ)
Report.Cells(iIndex, 1) = oRS(0)
Report.Cells(iIndex, 2) = oRS(1)
Report.Cells(iIndex, 3) = FormatDateTime(oRSDet(0), vbShortDate)
Report.Cells(iIndex, 4) = FormatDateTime(oRSDet(1), vbShortDate)
Report.Cells(iIndex, 5) = NoOfDays
Report.Cells(iIndex, 6) = LeaveType
iIndex = iIndex + 1
End If
Report.Cells(1, 1).Select
MsgBox AuthStat, vbExclamation
Unload Login
End If
Report.Protect "ams007", True, True, True
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Report Generation aborted due to the following error:" & vbCrLf & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Error"
End Sub

Function CodeToName(ECode)
Dim objRs, sqlstr1
sqlstr1 = "select e_name from ams_employee where e_code = '" & ECode & "'"
Set objRs = oCon.Execute(sqlstr1)
If Not objRs.EOF Then
TeamLeader = objRs("e_name")
TeamLeader = "Not Known"
End If
Set objRs = Nothing
End Function

Private Sub cmdGReport_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)

End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
FillCombo cmbFDD, "DD", "1"
FillCombo cmbFMM, "MM", MonthName(Month(Date), True)
FillCombo cmbFYYYY, "YYYY", CStr(Year(Date))
FillCombo cmbTDD, "DD", CStr(Day(DateSerial(Year(Date), Month(Date) + 1, 0)))
FillCombo cmbTMM, "MM", MonthName(Month(Date), True)
FillCombo cmbTYYYY, "YYYY", CStr(Year(Date))
End Sub

Private Sub FillComboMisc()
cmbLocation.AddItem "Chennai"
'cmbLocation.AddItem "Mumbai"
'cmbLocation.Text = "Gurgaon"
End Sub

Private Sub FillCombo(Cmb As Object, ToFill As String, Optional Def As String)
Dim iCnt As Integer
Select Case ToFill
Case "DD"
For iCnt = 1 To 31
Cmb.AddItem CStr(iCnt)
Cmb.Text = Def
Case "MM"
For iCnt = 1 To 12
Cmb.AddItem MonthName(iCnt, True)
Cmb.Text = Def
Case "YYYY"
For iCnt = 2002 To Year(Date) + 1
Cmb.AddItem CStr(iCnt)
Cmb.Text = Def
End Select
End Sub

Private Sub ManipulateInputs()
Select Case cmbLocation.Text
Case "Chennai"
ConnStr = "Server=;Provider=SQLOLEDB;Database=amsindia;UID=ams_web;password=12344"
'Case "Mumbai"
'ConnStr = "Server=;Provider=SQLOLEDB;Database=amsindia;UID=ams_web;password=12344"
Case Else
MsgBox "Invalid Location!", vbExclamation, "Error"
End Select
StartDate = cmbFDD.Text & " " & cmbFMM.Text & " " & cmbFYYYY.Text
EndDate = cmbTDD.Text & " " & cmbTMM.Text & " " & cmbTYYYY.Text
End Sub

The above code is wriiten in excel macro to generate the report. Same code is not working in .net

Can some one help.