Question Vb in a Command Button


Sep 16, 2009
Programming Experience
I have a VB Script that I am working on for a purchased application. I added a command button that hopefully would insert a NEW record into a table named Interventional_Devices. Data will be coming from three tables called Lesions, InvSupplyItems & Cath_equipment. Pls note that I commented out any reference to one of the tables called InvSupplyItems to simplify things. I have written another script that is very similar to this and I am able to transfer data from a control from one SQL table to another control that uses a different SQL table. But that is using the current data of an existing record and copy it to another existing record of a different table. The difference with this one is the successful script was just with 2 tables involved (current records being updated) while this one has 3 tables and trying to insert a NEW record in Interventional_Devices.

I have a VB script called BLGHScriptInterventionalDevices.lvb that is attached to the command button control's Command Property as Script(BLGHScriptInterventionalDevices. InterventionalDevices). Here is the code -

References System.dll
References Lumedx.Application.dll
References Lumedx.Core.dll

Imports System
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports Lumedx.ActiveData
Imports Lumedx.Application
'Imports Lumedx.Cath
Imports System.Collections
'Imports System.Data
Imports System.Math

Public Class BLGHScriptInterventionalDevices

Dim bFlag as Boolean=False

' Script: InterventionalDevices (InterventionalDevices.lvb)
' Notes: populate Interventional Devices from Cath Equipment
' Public Variables
' None
' Dependencies
' Lumedx.Common.Utilities
' Jovy Banaag BryanLGH Medical Center
' History
' 09/24/09 Created

'Public Sub InterventionalDevices (ByVal t As Trigger)
Sub InterventionalDevices ()

Dim currentCathRecord As Record
Dim currentLesionRecord As Record
'Dim currentInvRecord As Record
Dim currentDevicesRecord As New Record

If bFlag THEN
End If

currentCathRecord =

currentLesionRecord = Lumedx.Application.WorkflowContext.Current.ActiveDataSet.Tables("Lesions").CurrentRecord

'currentInvRecord =

currentDevicesRecord =

If currentCathRecord is Nothing Then
msgbox("Cath record is blank")
End if

If currentLesionRecord is Nothing Then
msgbox("Lesion record is blank")
End if

'If currentInvRecord is Nothing Then
'msgbox("Supply record is blank")
'End if

If currentLesionRecord("SS_Event_Cath_ID") = currentCathRecord("SS_Event_Cath_ID") And

currentLesionRecord("VesselSegment") = currentCathRecord("VesselSegment") THEN

'currentDevicesRecord("SS_Lesion_ID") = currentLesionRecord("SS_Lesion_ID")
msgbox("Test Lesion record is being inserted...")
currentCathRecord("Serial_Number") = currentLesionRecord("VesselSegment")
currentDevicesRecord("Device_Name") = currentCathRecord("Item")
currentDevicesRecord("Device_Size") = " "
currentDevicesRecord("Pre_Stenosis") = currentLesionRecord("Pre_Stenosis")
currentDevicesRecord("Post_Stenosis") = currentLesionRecord("Post_Stenosis")
'currentDevicesRecord("Comment") = " "
'currentDevicesRecord("Device_Type") = currentInvRecord("bDeviceType")
'currentDevicesRecord("Sequence") = " "
'currentDevicesRecord("DeviceSequence") = " "
'currentDevicesRecord("CanBePrimary") = " "
'currentDevicesRecord("DeviceManufacturer") = currentInvRecord("Manufacturer")
'currentDevicesRecord("DiamRequired") = " "
'currentDevicesRecord("DeviceDiameter") = currentInvRecord("bDeviceDiameter")
'currentDevicesRecord("LenRequired") = " "
'currentDevicesRecord("DeviceLength") = currentInvRecord("bDeviceLength")
'currentDevicesRecord("DeviceBarcode") = currentInvRecord("BarCode")
'currentDevicesRecord("ACCICDeviceID") = currentInvRecord("bACCICDeviceID")
'currentDevicesRecord("ACCDeviceName") = currentInvRecord("bACCDeviceName")
'currentDevicesRecord("SSVascularData") = " "
'currentDevicesRecord("MinPressure") = 0
'currentDevicesRecord("MaxPressure") = 0
'currentDevicesRecord("Serial_Number") = " "
'currentDevicesRecord("Inflations") = 0
'currentDevicesRecord("NewSequence") = 0
'currentDevicesRecord("ACCExistingDeviceID") = 0
'currentDevicesRecord("DimensionsRequired") = " "
'currentDevicesRecord("SSDeviceCounter") = " "

End If


End Sub

End Class

Pls note that I added New in the definition of the currentDevicesRecord and changed the CurrentRecord to NewRecord since I am trying to insert a new record for Interventional_Devices. When I click on the button, this is the error I get -

Compilation error: C:\Documents and Settings\vjb001\Local Settings\Temp\myymmmsd.0.vb(39,0) : error BC30652: Reference required to assembly 'System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' containing the type 'System.Data.DataRow'. Add one to your project.
C:\Documents and Settings\vjb001\Local Settings\Temp\myymmmsd.0.vb(51,0) : error BC30282: Constructor call is valid only as the first statement in an instance constructor.

System.ApplicationException: Compilation error: C:\Documents and Settings\vjb001\Local Settings\Temp\myymmmsd.0.vb(39,0) : error BC30652: Reference required to assembly 'System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' containing the type 'System.Data.DataRow'. Add one to your project.
C:\Documents and Settings\vjb001\Local Settings\Temp\myymmmsd.0.vb(51,0) : error BC30282: Constructor call is valid only as the first statement in an instance constructor.

at Lumedx.Core.Reflection.AssemblyInfo.Build()
at Lumedx.Core.Reflection.AssemblyBuilder.GetAssemblyInfo(String sourceFile, String outputAssembly, CodeDomProvider provider)
at Lumedx.Core.Reflection.AssemblyBuilder.InnerGetAssembly(String sourceFile, String outputAssembly, CodeDomProvider provider)
at Lumedx.Core.Reflection.AssemblyBuilder.GetAssembly(String sourceFile)
at Lumedx.Core.Reflection.Extern..ctor(String sourceFile)
at Lumedx.SystemData.Script.GetExtern()
at Lumedx.SystemData.Script.InnerInvoke(Object[] args)
at Lumedx.SystemData.Script.Invoke(Object[] args)
at Lumedx.CardioDoc.WorkflowManager.mWorkflowContext_ScriptRequested(Object sender, ScriptRequestedEventArgs e)

Any help will be greatly appreciated since I am new with programming. Thanks