VB Express 2008 project deployment


New member
Oct 17, 2007
Programming Experience
I am new to VB in general and I started with 2008 express. I completed a project which I want to deploy to another computer which does not have the framework. I thought this "one click" deployment was supposed to package everything so you can do that. I've been through every tutorial to get the thing to package properly, but it won't. I set the prerequisites to be downloaded from the same location as my app. I have the "create setup to install prerequisite components" checked. I have windows installer 3.1 & .net framework 3.5 prerequisites to install checked. When I try to publish I get a zillion errors(well, 53 errors). Most of them say things like this:

Error 2 The install location for prerequisites has not been set to 'component vendor's web site' and the file 'WindowsInstaller3_1\WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe' in item 'Windows Installer 3.1' can not be located on disk. See Help for more information.

Error 3 The install location for prerequisites has not been set to 'component vendor's web site' and the file 'DotNetFX35\dotNetFX20\aspnet.msp' in item '.NET Framework 3.5' can not be located on disk. See Help for more information.

I have no idea what's going on. I thought everything needed to publish was installed and accessible to the program. Are there other things I need to do? When I use download from component vendors website, everything sets up and runs fine on the development computer. That won't work however when I want to deploy to a machine not connected to the internet. Please help.

OS is XP SP2

Thanks, TJ