Variable to share data


New member
Jan 9, 2014
Programming Experience
What variable can be used to share data between user forms in a project?
Since all the forms have access to it.
o Form-level
o Globl
o Local
o Static
o Public
Select one from above bulleted, and motivate if possible.
Please don't just post your homework questions here and expect us to do them for you. That is cheating. What you can do is tell us what you think the answer is and why and then we can tell you whether you're on the right track and, if not, perhaps give you a nudge in the right direction. The first step in a question like this is to make sure that you know what each of the possible answers means. If you know that then, even if you're stilol not sure of the right answer, you can eliminate some of them and, if it comes down to a guess in the end, at least your odds are better. So, can you explain, in your own words, what each of those possibilities means? If not, consult your notes or text book to find out.
I would like to apologize to be doing somethig like plagiriazim. But i was already verified which answer is correct, is just by that time I post this info, I was bit tired. I believe I wont make you angry for posting even if I don't know somithing on the vb book? because this is not forum for stundents, is for only professional that are not studying. Thousand apology for asking.
I would like to apologize to be doing somethig like plagiriazim. But i was already verified which answer is correct, is just by that time I post this info, I was bit tired. I believe I wont make you angry for posting even if I don't know somithing on the vb book? because this is not forum for stundents, is for only professional that are not studying. Thousand apology for asking.

This is not a forum just for professionals and there is no issue with students posting here. That said, this is not a place to have other people do your homework for you. We are more than happy to help students but, with questions like this one, we would expect that you tell us what you think the answer is and why and then we can help if your logic is incorrect. We help those who help themselves; we're not here to replace your own effort and independent thought.