I have created a data set from an oracle data adapter and added a data column (type = boolean, name = "Select") to the datatable. The results are displayed in a datagrid. When the user clicks on the check box I want the value to be displayed in a msgbox. I assume that the value should shift from True to False depending on the checkmark (whether it appears or not). I run the following code when the datagrid is clicked...
"Select" is the column name of the boolean value column I added to the dataset. The default value is "False." Regardless of whether or not the checkbox is check or unchecked, the messagebox output is always false whenever I click on the datagrid. Any ideas on how I can return the correct value of the checkbox?
Thanks in advance...
I have created a data set from an oracle data adapter and added a data column (type = boolean, name = "Select") to the datatable. The results are displayed in a datagrid. When the user clicks on the check box I want the value to be displayed in a msgbox. I assume that the value should shift from True to False depending on the checkmark (whether it appears or not). I run the following code when the datagrid is clicked...
Private[/color] [color=#00007f]Sub[/color] DataGrid1_Click([color=#00007f]ByVal[/color] sender [color=#00007f]As[/color] [color=#00007f]Object[/color], [color=#00007f]ByVal[/color] e [color=#00007f]As[/color] System.EventArgs) [color=#00007f]Handles[/color] DataGrid1.Click
[color=#00007f]Dim[/color] pt [color=#00007f]As[/color] System.Drawing.Point = DataGrid1.PointToClient(Cursor.Position)
[color=#00007f]Dim[/color] hti [color=#00007f]As[/color] DataGrid.HitTestInfo = DataGrid1.HitTest(pt)
[color=#00007f]If[/color] hti.[color=#00007f]Type[/color] = DataGrid.HitTestType.Cell [color=#00007f]Then[/color]
MessageBox.Show([color=#00007f]CType[/color](DataSet21.Tables(0).Rows(hti.Row).[color=#00007f]Item[/color]("Select"), [color=#00007f]String[/color]))
[color=#00007f]End[/color] [color=#00007f]If[/color]
[color=#00007f]End[/color] Sub[color=#00007f]
"Select" is the column name of the boolean value column I added to the dataset. The default value is "False." Regardless of whether or not the checkbox is check or unchecked, the messagebox output is always false whenever I click on the datagrid. Any ideas on how I can return the correct value of the checkbox?
Thanks in advance...