Using the Progress bar when loading an app


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2004
Programming Experience
Good Day to all. I hope this is a simple question. The place where I work has several branches throughout the state. I am currently in the process of designing a few applications in that will be run from a URL. ie..https://servername/foldername/application.exe. While this works great, a few of the apps take awhile to load (13 sec.) However, in that time, the user gets impatient and double-clicks the hyperlink again. What I would like to do is have some sort of progress bar so they can see something is happening, while the application loads. I had thought of building the progressbar into the app but it would still need to be downloaded and by that time the app is ready.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I suppose you are talking about ASP.NET so, how about to simply redirect user to the page with content like: "files are being downloaded ... please wait". After files are taken by user just back him/her to the previous page. Or moreover you can hide or disable certain hyperlink. After files are downloaded enable it and that's it. If your question is not related with ASP.NET but rather with windows app then you could do the same but this time you can display either form with progressBar ... if progressBar.Value = 100 then formProgressBar.Close() .... or simply hide the hyperlink for a while and then return it back LinkLabel1.Visible = False/True.


Regards ;)
Thanks for the information but I am talking about using VB.Net instead of I have made a couple changes to the security.config file so that I can run .exe s from a URL. I am kinda confused with how that would work with a app. I am guessing that the whole app (300K) would need to be downloaded to the client PC before the application could even be run. That being said, since the application has now been downloaded to the client, the progress bar is no longer needed.
well, if you back to the my first reply i guess you'll note that i've also mentioned couple possible solution for WindowsForm. Nevermind! Ok, i suppose it is best if you leave the Form with progressBar to run all the time untill file has been downloaded and then simply close the form and that's it ... what is so confusing here if i may ask?
Maybe you want to calculate the time taken for downloading and then use a timer to leave a form opened as long as timeSpan is???
Regards ;)
kulrom said:
I suppose you are talking about ASP.NET so, how about to simply redirect user to the page with content like: "files are being downloaded ... please wait". After files are taken by user just back him/her to the previous page. Or moreover you can hide or disable certain hyperlink. After files are downloaded enable it and that's it.

Can you please give me an example code on the redirecting?

For my case, I trying to show the progress bar as the user clicks the enter button to pass thru a series of data thru a few databases, and the process takes a long time so i am intending to use a progress bar to avoid the user from impatiently click on other things. But I have been trying to get my progress bar to show and it doen't work, I'm using a web component to display the progress bar.
The code are following the smooth Progress bar from Microsoft website, and i tried other approach like the neverending progress bar, to display a gif file while event is loading.

Can anyone help me with this
Thanks in advance :D
You can't use a progress bar for everything. If you don't know how much information is coming in or how long exactly it takes then a progress bar is not what you want. What you want is control that simply scrolls letting the user know that it is downloading. Like a simple label that adds periods over and over then restarts to let the user know it's incoming like so...
downloading .
downloading ..
downloading ...

Of course this is the same label on you only see the periods growing then starting over... if you do know the exact size of the file or the exact length (or good estimate) then you base the progress bar off of that time frame or file size... If by file size you wold need a way of watching how many bytes or what have you of the file has passed to the user with each increment and increment the progress bar against that. It would be alot easier to get a control to simply that started scrolling or whatever to show the user it's coming.