Updating a database


New member
Nov 28, 2010
Programming Experience
Can some PLEASE tell me how to Update my database!
Every line of code I try does not work.

Here is what I currently have:

BindingContext(CustomersDs, "Customers").EndCurrentEdit()
OleDbDataAdapter1.Update(CustomersDs, "Customers")

I want to be able to save the edits I make within my datagrid so the next time I restart the form
All edits have been permanently saved AND I want it to update my database.

thank you
In theory, there is nothing wrong with your code. Maybe you could tell us why you think there is. If there's an error message, tell us what it is. If something else happens that you don't expect then tell us that. Provide us with a FULL and CLEAR explanation of the problem.

From what you have said, I am going to make a guess, which is something that we shouldn't have to do. If we guess wrongly then we have wasted our time and yours. Follow the first link in my signature to learn how to manage local data files. Once you understand that, a simple change to the configuration should fix your problem.