Updates from local server


Jun 18, 2013
Programming Experience
I have a pretty specific way I would like to send updates to my application. Any help would be appreciated.

my client application will be installed on a number of Windows PC's on a local network. The local network will have access to a Linux based server providing MySQL database services and a file share. This network will not always have internet access.

I was hoping to have my application update over the internet, but If it is updated I want to force all client on the network to update to the same version. The snag is that they may have internet access when they access the server.

I am expecting to store something in the database or on the server file share identifying the most recent version of any of the clients and no doubt the update files themselves. Any ideas or suggestions about how I can do this? If there is a good example around then please direct me to it.


It seems fairly simple really. You store a version number in the database. When a client starts up it compares its own version number to that in the database. If they are the same then it just goes about its business, if the application has a higher version number then it updates the database and if the application has a lower number then it refuses to run without updating.