Question Understanding form interaction


Active member
May 27, 2010
United Kingdom
Programming Experience

Can someone help me please, i'm trying to understand form interaction in VB, and i'm trying to figure how new projects will work.

In my old DB environment we would create seperate programs for maintenance and search, i.e. i have a "department" maintenance program, if the user pressed the search button this would run another program which would show all departments and the user double clicks the one they want and this is then passed to the original department maintenance program and the serach window closes.

In VB am I right to create a project for the search form and one for the department? Is this the right method? As the way vb hangs together is new to me im trying to understand how i do it.

I know you can create more than one form in a project however, is that search form then restricted to that one project? I want other forms to be able to run that same search form. If all forms were going to be used in just one place - i.e. all department forms - then i understan i can put them all in one project, but what if i have one project for department then another for purchase orders but the purchase order one also needs to run the department searches.

Hope this makes sense, i look forward to your feedback.

I guess depending on the functionality of each of these separate programs as well as the complexity would determine how you would approach them. A simple search for manager information might be better off as a simple form that returns the pertinent information whereas a process reconciling payroll would probably be better off as a separate application. Or everything could be in one application. That is something that you ultimately have to decide for yourself.

Is there a right or wrong way? I don't think so, I believe it is more of a ... easier for us to comprehend what we have written / do or harder.
Hi, thanks for your reply. Yeah I guess thats sort of what i was thinking, as part of our "what do we upgrade from the old system" process I guess we could start identifying what could potentially go into the same projects and what should be a new one.