Question Unable to view form in design mode ?


New member
Sep 11, 2010
Programming Experience
I made a very simple web browser with three forms last night, saved the project and came to re-open it this morning only to find that form1 and form2 cannot be edited in anything but code mode now.

Very confused. Am using Visual Basic Express 2008 on Windows 7 x64.

Any help / explanation would be much appreciated.
Something has become corrupted. If this happens to me, I generally add another project to my solution and then drag the offending form to the new project in the Solution Explorer. This will usually regenerate the designer resources. Once I am sure the form works in the new project, I delete it from the original project and then copy it back again. This has always worked form me, but I guess there's no guarantee it will work for you.
Thanks for the reply, I shall try that. Never had problems like this with visual studio 6.0 but that was a long time ago...