Unable to determine identity of assembly.


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2006
Cochin, India
Programming Experience
Hi all,
I was working with a windows application and now when I try to open or change anything in the forms during design time, It is showing a messagebox "Unable to determine identity of assembly.". How can I get rid of this? Thx in advance.
clean the project, remove all references to external dlls etc, ensure that external projects build correctly, and clean and rebuild them, restart the machine. If it still gives trouble, let us know - might have to clear out some cached assembly stuff!
Still have the same problem.

Hi cjard,
I removed all the references to the external assemblies, referenced those again and still its showing that message box when I try to open the forms during design time.
Did you clean out your bin+obj folders before rebuilding? There could be something wrong there with files left there from previous failures.
Yes I did but still is showing that message.

I did everything that I can to get rid of it but still showing that message. Can you please say whether it will affect my project any way because I think it is working fine now :confused:.