un-install question


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Programming Experience
I know VS has great install features and I like to use them. It's much easier to add an installer project to your current project then just tweak properties ect. When you build the installer with VS you can also right click and choose to install it. However; if there is another older version already installed it will automatically un-install the old (which is good) and then install the new. This only happens if you let VS install the project for you. I want to include this feature with my product so that when I release an update users can simply install rather than going through the hassle of un-installing the old first.

Question is, How do I include a feature with my program to automatically un-install any prior versions before installing the new one?

I hope this is something as easy as the installer project.
Thank you. I wondered why that property never worked for me. I was updating the revisions for my applications but not the build. I have never read any documentation as to how your actually supposed to update your versions so everytime I make the slightest change I update the revision. But I never updated the Build. So I guess I should update revisions and keep them the same and update the build for each update I want to publish. Anyways, that worked out great, thanks :)