Two questions...Two forms in Project? Changing Form Look?


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2006
Georgia, USA
Programming Experience

I am curious to know if I can somehow have multiple forms in a VB project, especially a dynamic number of them. Here's an example of what I need. I'm trying to make a messenger program, and I'll need one form for the friends list, and a form for each IM window the user wants to open. Is this possible? I've also been curious to know if there is any way to change the look of a form. I've read a few small comments in various places about making skins for a VB app, but I haven't found any thorough instructions or explanation. Someone mentioned changing the background color, but I'd like to do more than that. Ideally, I'd like to even change the shape of the form to any shape I could come up with in a program like Paint. I'd also like to customize all of the tools, like buttons and scrollbars. Thanks for any help.