Trying to capture event when value in datagridview is changed


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Programming Experience
I've been searching all over and I'm either not searching for the right words or it just doesn't exist. I've got a datagridview (dgv) on a form with some textboxes that are databound to different fields in the dgv's datasource. I want to capture an event if someone changes a value through one of the databound controls so I can mark the row as modified. I've been going through the dgv events trying to capture something, but I can't find anything that fires when a value is changed. The dgv is read only, so the values can only be changed through the databount textboxes.

How to I know if someone changes a value in the dgv? Is there a setting in the dgv that will tell me if a row is modified?
Bind your data to a BindingSource and then bind that to the controls. The BindingSource is intended to be the centre of attention where WinForms data-binding is concerned. You want the CurrentItemChanged event.