Question True Caller Information In Out Database

Sep 2, 2012
Programming Experience
Hi Experts,

how to get information of Names from the website truecaller into our database

Any Help Would Be Greatly Appreciated

Huh? Can you please try to rephrase your question clearly? Assume that too many words is better than not enough. Feel free to provide examples or anything else that can shed light on what you want.
Hi jmcilhinney,

Thanks for your reply

TrueCaller Website will display the name of mobile owner when we enter mobile number

from this website the name of the owner i have to get into my database

Firstly i open the truecaller website with my google chrome browser then i entered my mobile number it will give the mobile owner name
Second i open the desktop application which was developed by me
in that one form is there and on that form i put one button let say "GetName"
so whenever i click on that button i have to get the mobile owner name from the opened browser into my personal database

You're not going to get the information from a web page open in another browser. You would either use a WebBrowser control in your own app or else download the page contents directly using a WebClient or the like. I suggest that you do some reading on "screen scraping" and then have a go at it. If you run into specific issues, post back and provide the relevant information.