Resolved TrimEnd Fails to Remove Last Character


Hobbyist Programmer
Sep 19, 2013
Leeds, UK
Programming Experience
.Net Framework 4.6
Visual Studio 2019

    Public Shared Function AddRow(ByVal databaseUser As String, ByVal databasePassword As String, ByVal databasePath As String, ByVal databaseTable As String, ByVal databaseColumns As Array, ByVal databaseValues As Array) As Boolean
        Dim connection As OleDb.OleDbConnection = BuildConnectionString(databaseUser, databasePassword, databasePath)
            If databaseColumns.Length = databaseValues.Length Then
                Dim insertString As String = "INSERT INTO " + databaseTable + " ("
                For Each column In databaseColumns
                    'insertString += $"{column}, "
                    insertString += column + ","
                insertString += ") VALUES("
                For Each value In databaseValues
                    'insertString += $"'{value}', "
                    insertString += "'" + value + "',"
                insertString += ")"
                Dim insertCommand As New OleDb.OleDbCommand With {
                .CommandText = insertString,
                .Connection = connection
                Using insertCommand
                    If connection.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then connection.Open()
                End Using
                Return True
                Return False
                Exit Function
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            Return False
        End Try
    End Function

I am getting a syntax error at the insertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() .

In the Locals window I can see that the insertString still includes the last , that the two insertString.TrimEnd(",") code lines should be removing.

The one thing I have noticed is the insertString is surronded by quotes - one at each end of the string. Is this the problem?

It's been a while since I last wrote any code so I must be missing something but this is code I am reusing from a past project that I thought was working. Could someone please have a look and advise?

There's no need to use TrimEnd in the first place because there's no need to add the spurious comma in the first place.
Dim insertString = $"INSERT INTO {databaseTableName} ({String.Join(",", databaseColumns)}) VALUES ('{String.Join("','", databaseValues)}')"
There's no need to use TrimEnd in the first place because there's no need to add the spurious comma in the first place.
Dim insertString = $"INSERT INTO {databaseTableName} ({String.Join(",", databaseColumns)}) VALUES ('{String.Join("','", databaseValues)}')"
Thanks - was not expecting such a quick reply.

I've used your line of code but now by insertString value in the Locals window is "INSERT INTO Test (System.String[]) VALUES ('System.String[]')". This Fuction is part of a class that I have imported from a past project, if that matters.
Locals window is "INSERT INTO Test (System.String[]) VALUES ('System.String[]')"

You should change method parameter types from As Array to As String()

In post 1 you had code insertString.TrimEnd(","), but TrimEnd is a function that returns the modified string:
insertString = insertString.TrimEnd(",")
Again thanks.

You should change method parameter types from As Array to As String()
Just worked that out myself.

The last time I fired up Visual Studio was Jan 2023 so I am a bit rusty/slow at the moment.

Thank you both jmcilhinney and JohnH.

I am marking this resolved.
Be absolutely sure you don't open for SQL injection attacks when you're not using parameterized queries.
Be absolutely sure you don't open for SQL injection attacks when you're not using parameterized queries.

I know. I won't be a problem.

If others are interested there is a blog post here:-

Thanks again for the help. I hope you don't think I was being glib with my last post.

Just to clarify the class that I have is for accessing locally stored MS Access database files that a user could just delete with a mouse click. SQL injection is not an issue. Neither is data security. This particular application I will be using the class in is for vehicle owners to keep servicing records when doing diy vehicle maintenance. If a user wants to corrupt there own data it's up to them.

My big problem is the last time I used this class, I didn't finish it. What I needed to work was completed and the rest left for later. I have a lot of XXX TO DO XXX comments but being me no note of what needed to be done.
