Transparent Mdi


New member
Aug 9, 2007
Programming Experience

I want to design an Mdi application but with a transparent background for the MdiClient container (and form). It should behave in a similar fashion to the way "Mathematica" behaves if you know that software.

I have two screens. I want various child forms to be scattered across both screens but at the same time windows from a different application must be visible, and respond to mouse events, in screen areas where there are no child forms. Put it another way the MdiClient container must fill both screens but be transparent.

The problem is that the class MdiClient in non inheritable and I can not override the appropriate method to not color the background. Setting transparentkey in the main form to some color and setting the MdiClient background to this color doesn't work either, the MdiClient control doesn't support transparent background colors.

If you have a different idea how I can achieve this functionality that's fine by me. My desire is simply to able to use my screens working area with maximum efficiency and at the same time have the sub forms behave as child forms of a single application.

Any help will be most appreciated,
