tracking mouse click on form


New member
Aug 7, 2008
Programming Experience
Hey experts.

need som help for tracking mouse click on the form and everything in the form.

is it possible to track mouseclick on the form and everything in it?

I don't want to make click event on every control on the form.

is there a way. help is apreciated. :)

a little detail could help me know how to help you.
:D try this:

form1_click(By val ..etc (without the silver text))
msgbox("You clicked me")

for example.

Use the Form1_click event
and then add something like
and if form1_click = false (not sure that this works) then button1.hide
Button1.visible = true
and if form1_click = false (not sure that this works either) then Button1.visible = false

:D Hope this does the trick:)
that doesn't work.

It is for a little navigations system for a mobile åhone project. It consist of 1 panel that is meant to slide forward and backward on drag and drop. but in it there will be some control an on hit of those form click won't action.