Tracking Changes in datatable


Dec 4, 2006
Programming Experience
Hello. This is my very first post to this forum. I have gained a lot of knowledge from searching through these forums and appreciate the willingness of most to really try to help. Anyway.. to my question, with a little background first.

I have an access database with two tables.. tblModels and tblParts, where tblModels has a ModelName and ModelId and tblParts has all the parts associated with a ModelID. On my form I have a listbox containing the modelnames and text boxes for all of the fields for the part information.. when the user clicks on a modelname I create a datatable and bind all the text boxes to the datatable to display the data... I have a created stored procedures to update, delete, and add new data and have a class to take care of it all... this is all working great (not bad for my first two weeks with self pat on the back.. sorry)...

this is my problem.. how do I track when the data in the datatable is changed? I have tried adding handler for the columnchanged and rowchanged and columnchanging and rowchanging events and had minimul success.. for instance I can track when the row changes and update that record before the user goes to the next record, but if the user changes a record and clicks on a the list box to select a new model i can't seem to capture that. Any ideas or if someone has any good references for this kind of thing that would help too. Thanks in advacne for any help.
Erm, you dont. Have a read of teh DW2 link in my signature and you'll see why its not necessary.

I wasnt aware an access database could have a stored procedure.. Are you sure that youre using access?
thanks for the link. I will look into it.

Micorsoft Access has handled stored procedures since Access 2000. You can't create them in access itsself, but you can create them in code.