Totally lost....


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Programming Experience
Hello fellow forumites,

I used to program in 1.1 and VS.NET 2003 quite happily, I have been away a year or so and now I have VS.NET 2005 and 2.0, and am completely lost.

My controls dont show normal data bindings anymore, DaataSource parameters are not there anymore (apparently I have to add them in my code). I wanted to use the new "Login" control however have spend 2 hours trying to find out how to pull my login details from a table, and still have not found an answer. Above all, all examples dont show clear code behind anymore, they are all in freaking HTML..... Sorry, I should say XML but embedded in HTML....

So, thank you, now my frustration is out; only thing I want to do is validate a user versus a table in an AccessDataSource and put a "-1" value in a Session("LOggedIn").

Maybe stupid questions, but (assuming I have added 2 textboxes and 1 button to my page), how do I do an ExecuteScalar and return a value, passing in the two parameters in the text boxes?

Thats in effect all I wanna do, and I'll be buggered if I know which controls to use....

Thanks for any advice given.

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