"too many client tasks"??? Please help!


Aug 7, 2004
Programming Experience
The page consists of the following code that runs in the from the onadcreated event of an adrotator control. Everything works but the problem is that after a certain amount of time and meta refreshes I get an error "that says too many client tasks". Thats all it says. Looking that up I find that its when the database gets called to many times simultaneously, but I dont see how that could be a problem as I am closing it at the end of over snippet as you can see. I have pagestateview set to false and caching turned off as much as possible. I just dont understand what the hell is going on here.

Sub change_url(sender As Object, e As AdCreatedEventArgs)
Dim ad = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
'ad.ActiveConnection = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=c:\Inetpub\faat\Data\data.mdb;"
ad.ActiveConnection = "DSN=hotspot;"
ad.Source = "SELECT * FROM ad WHERE ad_type=1 ORDER by ad_impressions ASC"
ad.CursorType = 0
ad.CursorLocation = 2
ad.LockType = 1

Dim Lowkey = ad.Fields.Item("ad_key").Value
Dim impress = CInt(ad.Fields.Item("ad_impressions").value) + 1
Dim lowupdate = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

Dim conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
conn.ActiveConnection = "DSN=hotspot;"
conn.CommandText = "UPDATE ad SET ad_impressions=" & impress & " WHERE ad_key = " & ad.Fields.Item("ad_key").Value
conn.CommandType = 1
conn.CommandTimeout = 0
conn.Prepared = true

e.NavigateUrl= ad.Fields.Item("ad_url").Value
e.ImageUrl = ad.Fields.Item("ad_image").Value

End Sub

I removed the extra creatobject... but the problem is persisting. Anybody have any idea? Im closing all my connections, I dont understand why it keeps saying too many client tasks.
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