Times Table program?


New member
Jan 21, 2010
Programming Experience
could you please help with code for this i dont know how to post yet1.
Create a simple Times Table program which will allow the user to enter an integer value n (between 1 and 20) into a textbox. On the click of a button output to a label the n times tables. Use a For…Next loop to perform the repetition.
i can output to listbox but only last line to label stuck for 3days any help much appreciated
Sounds like homework to me. The least you could do is show us what you have. We don't know how your code is going without seeing it. I think I would build a dynamic DataTable and fill it with the parameter set by your textbox then set a DataGridView's datasource to it, but thats only one way to do it.
You want to print a series of numbers to a label, but each one overwrites the previous output. You need to concatenate the new value to the current display. You may also want to add a line feed. Here's an example:

For x = 1 to 5
Label1.Text &= newvalue & vbCrLf