Question Timers with For Each


Apr 23, 2011
Programming Experience

I'm learning how to use proxies at VB .Net and with that I want to develop a small application for learning purposes only.

I have a listbox with proxies and each proxy will navigate a webbrowser to a website that will tell what's the current IP. ( just to check if their working )

I'm using a for each to run all the proxies but the problem is the application don't let the time to proxy connect.
I could use a thread sleep but I don't want the application to be unanswering.

My problem is how to input a timer with a for each. Basically, in each proxy it will wait about 20 seconds for example and then go to next proxy in the list.

Any help?
When you say you do not want your application to go 'Not Responding', is there something else going on that a sleep cannot be used or are you just wanting to stay away from that message panicing users?

You could probably use a background worker, within that worker you could use sleep and the main thread would remain active.
I cant say I've put a sleep in the bg worker before, but I cant see why that wouldnt do the trick
If this exercise is a problem, threading and dealing with delegates is probably way over his head.

Hmm re-reading it seems your problem is with the way you are handling the actual connection, please post some code if you need help.