Timer issue

Dec 28, 2004
Programming Experience
is there a way to know if a timer has gone off with out using a handler. I have 4 timers one of which has a handler. once in the handler, I want to check it the other three have elapesed.
Please let me know if this is not clear.
Thanks Scott
You would need 3 boolean variables for the other three timers. In the tick event of the three timers, set the timer's enabled property to False and set your boolean variable to true. Then in the fourth timer, use those booleans to know if they've "gone off"
Well, the documentation for the Enabled property says it tells if the timer is running so I'm guessing it is true after you call "Start" and it is false after you call "Stop"... I'm just guessing...
The timer will start if you use the .Start() method or you change it's Enabled property to True. The timer will stop if you use the .Stop() method or you change the Enabled property to False.

Before .Net 2.0, there wasn't a Start() and Stop() method, all you could use was the Enabled True/False property to start and stop it