TextChanged code and Button click code not working


May 12, 2009
Programming Experience

I have made an application in VB.NET.

The Button click codes are working fine. I have made a small modification in the code. I have commented the line 'Me.Close'

But still my form gets closed. I think the application is executing from elsewhere. Does anybody knows a solution to this.

Is this the only form open? If not check the Application tab and check the shutdown mode - see if the option here is set to 'When startup form closes' this will close all the open forms just the as the caption says. Otherwise we will need more info...
There are many forms in the application. And yes that was the only form open. I closed the application and restarted it, but still I got the same error.

Even If I change the code, it does not reflect in the application. I added a value in the combobox, but still it is not showing up when I execute the application.

Even if I put a break at any line in the code, the executor doesnt stop at that point. It gets executed by following some cached code (that is my assumption)

Please help..

By error do you mean it gives you an error message, if so what is it? Is there any code you place elsewhere to close this form? Is there a specific event that causes this behavior or is it random?
No.. It doesnt give any error message. I dont know from what part it is executing the code.

Basically I am not able to execute my code in break mode.

I don't think your explaining the problem well enough to make any reasonable solution. What are are you doing that makes the app close when you don't want it to? What do you mean:
I added a value in the combobox, but still it is not showing up when I execute the application.
If you do not store the data you put into the combo box it will not be there when you reopen the program - is that the other question?
Thanks newguy for your time.. and I am really sorry for being less descriptive from my side..

Here's my problem..

Tha application that I have made has three main forms.. 1) Making Batch Entry (Production), 2) Dispatch, 3) Raw material received.

It was almost complete and it was working fine untill yesterday.. Now I want to make small modifications in the code.. I am actually giving it the finishing touch.. So, the modifications that I make now in the code are not actually working.. i.e. If suppose I comment the line "me.close", even then the application would close the form. I suppose this is because the application is executing the code from elsewhere, a place where me.close is not commented.

If suppose I put a message box at userform_load.. It doesnt show me the message box.. but however it would do the remaining tasks that it was doing previously (i.e. populating the listboxes, comboboxes and stuff)

Thanks & Regards,
This has happened to me once (and once only). In the end, my solution was to delete both .exe files (the .exe and the .vhost.exe) in the bin/debug directory of my application. It may not work for you, but it's worth a try.