I surely hope i dont get banned for this. but OMG!!!
are you serious that you are playing i have 10000 over post card.... oh boy....
anyhow since i did not say i did not try but i say its no point because its the same thing...
for god sake did you ignore to read my first post....
i said console it when fine no worries anywhere
textbox somehow it wants to wait for everything to finish then shows the text
you suggest use the .refresh to force the control to redraw
i said no point because even though it forces the textbox to redraw it still hangs at the point where it doing work (eg trying to connect to server, whereby the console does not do this, and does not need background worker either)
and with that suggestion also i have to add refresh line at the bottom of every .text line
what i dont understand is that since vb does it work line by line why should i refresh all the time just to emulate a console.
and what i am looking for is an explaination rather than code as i do not remember asking for code, i ask why and any ideas
you explain it was busy and i should not do it in ui, it still doesnt make sense since
textbox1.text = "connecting to server"
connecttoserver = parameter
i pass the text first then the connection not the connection first then the text. same thing i have about 15 lines above telling something according to the work. why all text doesnt show until it finish doing all the work. i sure it got plenty of time to update before getting to the connection to server part.
I hope you dont get this wrong, but IMHO 10,000 post doest not count as experience and by just trying to show you have that many is also a sign of proudness and also brings the inevitable arrogance. If all your 10000 post were problem solving code, man... i will not even dare to utter a word but otherwise if it were suggestion and point of view or opinions or maybe simple chat, how that count as experience beats me. By just saying that i have less than 10 post you have already judge me as a newbie and a person that does not listen or simply an imbecil. So if i have 10000 post just as you and if i ask the same question and i state the same answer, does it still count as ignore or you would think otherwise. Maybe your answer will be that if i have 10000 post count i will not be asking such a question... I dont know...
Anyhow i post here for a discussion, if you feel that post count is the main concern where a discusion can be hold than i feel sorry for you. You assume i ignored you then you assume i did not try and maybe next i will get banned. but at least in all my post i mention that i was doing something and also explaining along with it. if you had a point and since you could clearly see i did not catch it, since in your eyes or post count i was less experience, instead of pointing it out, you just said i ignored you... if you also had many many experience why did not understand when i said there was no point.... I did not judge you, all i saw was a friend trying to help.