
Jul 11, 2008
Programming Experience
Dear forum

im trying to use the template for modify aspect of my button.
In the web is full of examples, but not 1 in VB only in xaml. And, my tentative to translate in VB is not working after days.

I sew a old post here, in october, about the argument,l but code is not in VB also have a book on WPF (WPF unleashed ,at page 323 realize 2 beautiful round buttom in xaml )

Please help .

Many thanks
Your profile says .NET 2.0/VS 2005. Is that correct? If so then what you're trying to do is not possible, because it's a WPF-only technology and WPF was introduced in .NET 3.0. There are extensions for WPF in VS 2005 but they never got out of beta. To really use WPF you must have at least VS 2008 and preferably VS 2010.
Thank mr jmc for reply

i dont update my profile. One year ago i buy VS2008 and now VS2010, just for use WPF.
Framework 3.5.

Please take in acount that many think are working in WPF using VB....Brush, Pen, 2D and 3D also ( simple figure for now).
Only this template for cange button view i cant do....in VB.

Many hello
Thank mr jmc for reply

i dont update my profile. One year ago i buy VS2008 and now VS2010, just for use WPF.
Framework 3.5.

Please take in acount that many think are working in WPF using VB....Brush, Pen, 2D and 3D also ( simple figure for now).
Only this template for cange button view i cant do....in VB.

Many hello

I don't think you can do this in basic code but you can use style;s in xaml to change the look of the button. google button styles in WPF.