Question System tray in shell replacement


New member
Jun 14, 2011
Programming Experience
Hi guys, First of, sorry if this is posted in the wrong place, I'm knew here and it looked like the right place lol.

Ok on with my problem. I am writing a replacement shell (for windows 7, if that makes a diffrence) in VS proffesional 2010 (in obviously lol) and i've hit a road block. I cant work out how to create the ystem tray for storing notify icons in. I'm totaly lost. anyone got any ideas:confused:


The NotifyIcon (it's in the standard toolbox) doesn't work for you?

Put a NotifyIcon on your form (it goes in the component tray at the bottom), set the icon and handle the events.
I'm sorry, I dont quite understand. How can i use a notify icon to make a system tray? What i'm trying to do is catch the notify icons that other applications produce, so that they can then be displayed in a form instead of useing the windows standard sytem tray.
I'm sorry I read the post wrong.

Getting a list of the running programs is easy enough, I'm not sure how to know which ones have an icon to display in the notification area of your shell or get the icon for them either.
Yer, thats the problem i'm faceing, Getting running programs is easy, even getting there icons and similar isnt difficult, Its captureing the notify icons that difficult lol