Question system.invalidOperation on client computer install


New member
May 4, 2009
Programming Experience
I have converted a Windows Forms VS2003 application to VS2005 and then to VS2008. It includes a setup project for deploying on the client computer (the regular installer, not click once). It works fine when I run it on my computer, either in VS or if I install using the setup installer. But when I install it on the client computer and then try to run it, I immediately get a System.InvalidOperation exception. I put in debug code before my code but it fails before it gets to any of my code. Both computers are XP. The client comptuter actually has VS2003, though it is not used.

I have tried it with either the 2.0 framework or the 3.5 framework (and included those as prerequisities) but neither makes a difference (and I did set that in the Launch conditions, as well as in the Advanced Compile Options). The application uses CrytalReports for VS.

I don't think I can run JIT debugging on the user computer due to permission issues. Are there any other debugging things I can try to narrow this down or has anyone encountered this. I'm tearing my hair out...
Thanks in advance!
solution to system.invalidOperation on client computer install

I discovered my problem was with Crystal Reports (for VS2008). I tried to use the merge modules as some posts indicated but could only get it to work by separately installing the Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008 redistributable (crresdist2008_x86) from the sap - business objects download site: Business Objects - Crystal Reports Runtime Packages

Hopefully this will save others from the hours of wasted time I spent.